Velit 2.0 Release

This version of the software focuses on the ability to perform stacking velocity to well velocity calibration by a ‘per well’ calibration factor, with the scaled values being able to create a gridded regional calibration grid, which may then be applied. In addition, seismic velocity volumes may also be scaled using a calibration volume, resulting in a per sample scaling.  Such a calibration volume may now be generated by the HiDef tool.

One significant element of Velit 2.0 is that the models are not backwardly compatible with earlier version of the software. Therefore we advise that backup copies are made of any models, including their associated sub-directories, if you wish to continue using an earlier version of Velit. We have taken this change to facilitate enhancements in this release and for planned future enhancements.

The key functionality of the Tools > Volume Tool external program has been moved into the File > Open TKS… link.  When you define the velocity volume for import into VelPAK, you can also opt to generate ASCII files of Time-Depth curves for the selected wells for the selected velocity volumes.  These may be loaded later into the Kingdom project in the usual way. Interval Velocity to Average Velocity SEG Y volume conversion may now be done in the Tools > HiDef tool.

Rather than forgetting parameters, the Wizard GUI now retains parameters from any previously run session.  Select the saved session before running the Wizard, and the parameters default to those used by that session.

For the Curve option, there is now the ability to use well log velocities in addition to vertical apparent interval velocities in the regression options within the Wizard.  Additionally, the intercept values of an “Interval Velocity vs Depth to Middle of the Layer” linear regression data set may be used to construct a Depth Conversion Intercept grid in the Curve mapping, along with the interval velocity grid used for the actual depth conversion.  This option was previously available only using the Optimisation options.

An issue whereby the “Previous” and “Next” buttons may be difficult to locate on some high DPI monitors has been resolved.  The help screens have been revised to fix some broken or inaccessible links.

Gridding is now faster and more accurate.  Kriging methods have been supplemented by a method called “Kriging_Fast” that does not require a semi-variogram.  It is suitable for sparse data, such as well point data.  It is multi-threaded, to maximise the CPU cores on your computer.

The older Global & Weighted methods have been changed and may give very slightly different results to previous versions.

The fly-out used for specifying the gridding methods is now better organised.  Older gridding methods are in the “Deprecated” tab and may be removed at some point in the future.

The Surface and Optimise Display fly-outs now have the option to draw boxes around well and point annotation on the plots, improving legibility.

If you would like to know more about Velit 2.0 or would like a trial of the software, then please contact us on

Velit 2.0 Release Notes
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Velit 2.0 Release Notes
Velit 2.0 Offers a series of changes compared to earlier versions. For the full list, read on.