What’s New in Kingdom Seismic Inversion

With Kingdom 2022 being released last month we thought we would give you a taste of ‘What’s New’ for KSI!

Colored Inversion

Previously only Acoustic Impedance (AI) volume could be inverted.

  • Now we have the added options of choosing Shear Impedance (SI), Density (RHO) or Elastic Impedance (EEI) volumes too.
  • New inputs for selection for use in Extended Colored Inversion
  • The Model Tree now displays both P-Sonic and S-Sonic for selection and the new panels displayed reflect this.
  • Using Extended Colored Inversion to Invert EEI volumes
    • EEI can be expressed by Vp, Vs, density, and an angle chi. By adjusting a single parameter chi, EEI can provide a good approximation to acoustic impedance, bulk modulus, Lame’s parameter, vp/vs ratio, shear impedance, and shear modulus and can be optimized as a fluid or lithology discriminator.
  • New EEI Impedance Tab
    • This module is a “stand-alone” module to invert CI impedance and density into elastic impedance for use in the PSI module.
    • EEI volumes can be created from different sources and here is where you select the source and transform it into EEI.
    • The calculated EEI cross section is displayed around the well, allowing a Kingdom log to be displayed in the middle.
    • EEI is a final product for Reservoir Characterisation.

SA Inversion

  • SA gives a choice of Acoustic Impedance, Shear Impedance or Density Inversion
  • HiDef has been updated to reflect all three Inversions Vp, Vs and Rho
    • The HiDef utility uses trends from the background velocity provided to propagate log velocities between wells in a manner consistent with the seismic interpretation and geological constraints provided by the user. The result is a highly detailed macromodel that is suitable for inversion, honouring the all the known measured and interpretative information.

Pre-Stack Inversion

Production of a scaled Vp/Vs Porosity Volume

  • Previously to produce a properly scaled Vp/Vs volume from the Inversion Tab the user had to take the information and use the Trace Calculations tool within Kingdom to process the Vp/Vs porosity volume.
  • This process has now been built into the Inversion Validation Tab.