Velit 1.9 / VelPAK 2017 Release

The focus of this years’ software version is the ability to perform your Uncertainty Analysis Faster, to improve your operational efficiency and ease of use through the new functionality of the depth conversion Wizard.

A ‘Best Technical Case’ model can be randomised within known constraints, with the software producing a range of equiprobable realisations for uncertainty analysis. You can specify the range of uncertainty around your chosen optimal parameter for depth conversion in each layer in the Wizard. Volumetric computational constraints can subsequently be entered into the Wizard interface on the follow pages, including selection options for outputting a series of information that can be used for analysis or animation. When the multi-realisation run has been configured in the Wizard, a Workflow of this run may be generated at the press of a button, which is useful for audit purposes, to investigate the processes in a ‘no black box environment’, to distribute to your team as part of a company set of standard practices and/or to simply load data to the model and re-run the entire depth conversion at the press of a button. This functionality may be run in ‘Batch Mode’ to utilise available additional cores on your computer CPU, generating the results ‘powers faster’, further enhancing your operational efficiency. The crest and spill points can now be displayed on the Surface Map for each realisation and are saved for further analysis of the model, with the mean reservoir thickness and area of accumulation also being recorded.

This release also comprises a new feature called the Combinations Tool, which enables you to assess the stability of a selection of different depth conversion methods, that may be derived from well velocities that are either sonic logs, check shots or apparent interval velocities. This tool uses a ‘leave P-out cross validation technique’ and provides you with a graphical representation whereby the different methods are plotted against each other, with a combination of wells turned on and off, where the graph shows the range of error of the predicted result vs the known result. It is hoped that this information could aid your confidence in choosing one technique vs another, or illustrate where further analysis may be required.

The Velit DE link and Kingdom link, have been updated to support:

✔ Point set data
✔ Folders of polygons and faults
✔ Survey collections
✔ Improved GUI for ease of use

You can preview the layers in wells graphically prior to building the model, to save time locating absent or erroneously picked formation tops.

There have been a wealth of updates to other areas of the software, and please click here to see the full list.

If you would like to know more about Velit 1.9 or would like a trial of the software, then please contact us on

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Brand Name
Equipoise Software
Product Name
Velit 1.9 | VelPAK 2017
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